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Tips from a Chinese Medicine Student: Transitioning into Spring

By Justine Olfert, 2nd year Acupuncture Student

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a belief that your body fluctuates much like the seasons we see during the year. This time of year from March 21 to April 5 is known as Chun Fen (Spring Equinox). Here are some tips for keeping yourself well during the move from winter into spring.

  1. Protecting your neck is important during cold seasons and during transitions into new seasons. This has to do with the Tai Yang channel that is considered the most superficial in the body and runs along the top of your head and down the back of your body. In TCM, a pathogen can enter this way and the most vulnerable parts of your body is your neck. Grab a scarf, wear a hood, or even a jacket with a tall collar. This will help keep the Spring cold from penetrating your system.
  2. Food-wise you can mirror what you see in the environment. This is a great time of year to keep your warm, cooked foods, but also add in a few fresh vegetables. Ask yourself, what is the most available fresh vegetable and reach for that!
  3. Get your sleep! The flow of qi goes through the body in certain organs at certain times of day. The best way to nourish yourself at this time of year is to start collecting your Zzz’s before 11pm. It is also recommended that you wake with the sun. Try it and see how the flow of life follows.
  4. As one of our instructors Kevin Wallbridge always says, “practice an easy-going and relaxed attitude towards life”. This is the perfect time of year to go with the flow. Give yourself space to be light, keep your mind clear, and enjoy the transition of spring!

Interested in learning more about how you can keep yourself, your family, and your community healthy from a TCM perspective? The Traditional Chinese Medicine Programs are now accepting applications.