Ryan became interested in traditional Chinese medicine following two overseas volunteer excursions to the Dominican Republic and India in 1994 and 1995/96 respectively. After that time he noticed a couple things about the conventional western medicine that was being offered. It was sometimes ineffective in certain conditions and it was often too expensive. This inspired Ryan to not only learn about what alternatives were available, but also to learn how to provide and deliver the treatments himself.
He graduated from the Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences in 2002 with honours. He has been practicing in Beijing and Vancouver, Canada since receiving his license in 2003.
In 2006 Ryan joined a team of acupuncturists in Guatemala to assist in teaching basic TCM theories and acupuncture skills to Mayan natives in the Northern region of the country. It was a very rewarding experience and he continues to participate in course development for that project.
Ryan has now been living in China for more than 2 years. While he practices Chinese medicine professionally he also develops humanitarian interests, among them by participating in intensive acupuncture training courses with Acupuncture without Borders (Europe) in Shanghai and collaborating with Barefoot Acupuncturists in Bombay, India.
It is Ryan’s intention to continue to practice and deliver treatments in underdeveloped parts of the world whenever possible. He appreciates practicing medicine in its most basic form through compassion and fundamental care to restore health and dignity to those in need.
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‘Barefoot Acupuncturists’ need Acupuncturists who are willing to share their time and their knowledge, as well as financial and material donations. If you wish to support this group’s actions, please contact Ryan at rythom3@yahoo.com.