Julie Casper: New Online Resource for Students of Oriental Medicine!

One of our ‘Amazing Grads’, Julie Casper, C. Ac., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM) has just launched a new web service for acupuncturists and students of Chinese medicine.

This new site includes a free service for students which offers them excellent resources and other benefits such as a forum with discussions on a range of Oriental Medicine topics and issues, free classified ads and a thesis library.  Other study guides and tools include excellent study charts that the students coveted from Julie when she was a student at the Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences!

All a new or potential student needs to do is sign-up for the free newsletter and then they can access the charts and other student services, all free.

This site also includes directories of other schools and practitioners, a section with OM/TCM related articles called ‘Be Well’, and a section on research into various treatments.

Congratulations to Julie on her new endeavour and best wishes for the success of the OMClinic site.