Graduates of the Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences make their homes all over the world. Mauricio Quintana, one of Our Amazing Grads, has made his home in Mexico City.
While attending ACOS, Mauricio was a dedicated student receiving the Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence as well as investing time researching other forms of healing arts.
Mauricio calls himself a ‘health coach’ and Chinese Medicine is only one of many ‘tools in his tool bag’. The focus of Mauricio’s practice is on internal renewal, Neurosomatic therapy, Daoyin, martial arts and acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation. His website, Mauricio Quintana, Health Coach, is fantastic and offered in Spanish or English, depending on your preference, and includes bi-weekly newsletters and a blog.
Mauricio invites anyone heading to Mexico City for a winter break to look him up for an appointment! Ole!!